Exam-boost webinar english

Om Kurset

Is your motivation low before the exam period? Or does nerves and stress prevent you from working efficiently? At this online courseyou can learn some effective strategies to reduce stress, BOOST your motivation, and create a good study strategy for the remaining time leading up to the exam. 

This is a two-hour course and is held as a webinar on Zoom. You will be anonymous for the other participants but are able to chat/ ask questions to the two course-leaders. 

We will send you a mail with the link to the webinar the day before.  
In the form below we ask you register for the course by filling in the sections:
First name (
fornavn), Last name (etternavn), Phone number (mobil), Email-address (e-post), Academic Institution (lærested) and Faculty (fakultet). Please check the box that says you have paid your student-fee "jeg har betalt studieavgiften" before pressing "Registrer påmelding" to register. 

The course is a two-hour online webinar on Zoom and is held by two experienced psychology students. You will be able to chat with them during the course.

The course is held in English and is suitable for students who struggles with stress and want to improve their study habits. You need to be registered as a student and paid the student fee to participate on SiOs courses.

If you have any questions please contact us on tlf. +47 22853300 (press 2) or email: kurspamelding.siohelse@sio.no.

Radostina Ivanova og Christine Skaare Urdal. Both experienced psychology students.





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13.11.2021 11:00-13:00

Last ned til kalender

Tilgjengelige plasser:


*Påkrevde felter
